Sunday, August 29, 2010


After little more than a week, the media has already decided that hung parliaments are boring. They said the parliament was 'well hung' in the first five minutes, had a giggle, and now they're out of material. They cannot quite believe that the independents have not yet made a decision. How are they supposed to continue on with their simplistic, piss-weak political 'narrative' pieces if there's no ending to the story?

The opinion writers at the Australian are over it already. "Fuck it, let's just have another election" is the message from the Oz, most notably from that Noddy-haired douche bag Shanahan. Presumably this means the Gillard Government will fall over line, punch drunk, crawling over the floor to the nearest glass of hemlock, but that's another story…sorry…'narrative'. The level of boredom amongst most of the media is palpable.

Initially it was fine. The chaotic 'lack of decision' atmosphere allowed them to run 'New Era of Politics' and 'Rejection of Blah Blah' rubbish to fill in the gaps between celebrity elimination-based game shows. Two or three days in however, things started to get distinctly uninteresting. Watching three old guys they've never heard of sit in a room talking about policy just doesn’t have any cut through. Where’s the arrogant triumphalism of the winners? Where's the wrist-slashing, tear-the-soul-out-of-the-party infighting of the losers? That's why we have elections as far as they're concerned; to watch the bloody aftermath and speculate about bullshit of which they have no idea.

Instead the only material they have to work with is Bob Katter's akubra-seen-from-space, Barnaby Joyce being 'disappeared' by Arthur Sinodinos, and Bill Heffernan admitting to being the Devil to an MP's wife whom he thought was a small child.

Oh sure, that sounds pretty good as a sentence, but try and write a 600 word piece on it while insinuating that Tony Abbott is the only viable Prime Minister. Absolute murder.

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