If there is one thing that the 2010 Federal Election did not have enough of, other than content, it was truly moronic things said by Senator Stephen Fielding. Aside from a bewildering ad preaching Family First as 'common sense without the violence' (like saying rational thinking without the crack smoking), and claiming that The Greens want 'injecting rooms on every corner' while attempting to explain dry, complex preference deals, Steve Fielding just didn't say enough dumb shit for my liking.
But you can't keep a good simpleton down and, true to form, Fielding has come out and unleashed another gem of political idiocy. He has threatened to block supply when: there's no supply to block, he doesn't have the numbers to block it if there was AND he's just been voted out of parliament. What a mandate!
This is Lyndon Larouche scale political delusion. Obviously he wants to take his ball and go home, except it's not his ball, nobody invited him to play and he's a no-friends fuck-tard whom everyone hates.
Of course, Fielding is still a Senator until July, 10 months to bask in his 2 percent vote haul from six years ago. He still believes he has time to hold someone to ransom … anyone really, as long as it’s for something ridiculous.
"Will someone please be my electoral hostage? Why can’t I jeopardise the nation's very economic stability to reintroduce some arcane religious law banning the petting of cats in mixed company?”
“Why won’t you let me live? Please let me live. Let me live by making your life harder.”
And before all the major party hangers-on agree with me and bitch at how such a moron could have stumbled into an almost balance of power situation, remember that it was the Labor Party who put him there with a preference deal that has bitten everyone right between the cheeks.
Stephen Fielding may be a national disgrace, but putting the man in the Senate was an international embarrassment.
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