As the parties prepare for the suck-up of all suck-ups, and the independents begin listing demands to turn back boats full of Filipinos (bananas that is), install an ETS (Excessive Tariffs and Socialism) or a CPRS (Cash and Pork Barrelling for Regional Shitholes), many are saying that Saturday's non-result is good for democracy.
I don't know about good. Interesting for democracy? Maybe. Annoying for democracy? Definitely. Proof that the politics of campaigns has become so confused that no one knows what anyone stands for anymore? Abso-fucking-lutely.
The fact that people could not find difference between Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott is a searing indictment on the leaders, how the media reported the campaign and how the public informed themselves. It's like the leaders shat in the same hole and the media picked through random turds to throw at you in the newsbreak between Dancing with the Stars and Australia's Next Top Boot Scooter. The people decided to make no decision and now we are faced with the possible nightmare situation where this election will not fucking end.
Independent Robert Oakeshott has suggested a Government of National Unity. The fact that people think that will work shows just how the parties have succeeded in suppressing their ideology from the public. If the parties have no ideology there is no passion, and if there is no passion we get the sort of brain-mush creating bland-a-thons we have just witnessed. But people abhor ideology in politics, because it would force them to think about their own. A self-interested electorate produces self-interested political parties, and that is what we have.
Do not expect a workable anything out of whatever ragtag administration is produced out of this clusterfuck. It will only be a matter of time before Bob Katter realises that whoever he's in bed with will not reintroduce agricultural trade tariffs, or legislate a xenophobic banana policy and that will be it: election time again.
Another race to the bottom, in a bottomless pit of meaningless shit.
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