Monday, September 26, 2011

Eddie's Football Corner

Football is a simple game. The objective of the game is to set up a 'team' and surround it with a 'club'. To qualify as a 'club', you have to get your 'team' to kick (or pass, it doesn’t really matter) a bladder around against another 'club's' 'team'. Once these simple tasks are complete, you are ready to begin playing football: Football involves putting machines in your 'club' which people put their money into for fun. Once the people have successfully put their money into the machine, the game is over, and the 'club' wins.

There will be some sad individuals who insist on watching your 'team' kick (or pass, I said it didn't matter) the bladder around. Don't worry, these people are harmless, but they have an addiction. It's best to just ignore them and stick with the people putting money in the machines, you know, to set a good example for your kids.

There are some strange 'clubs' in Western Australia who do not play football, they merely kick (or pass!) the bladder around. It is sick, and reveals just how depraved some sections of our society have become. There needs to be reform.

Can't we just play football anymore? Football is not about bladders, or teams or silly kicking (or passing) games. It's about collecting money from the populace with machines that make obnoxious noises, and claim to be related to poker. Let's just put your money into machines for fun. It's FUN!

Kicking (or passing) bladders is not fun, it's socially destructive.

And now the Government and Andrew Wilkie want to tax football because some people are having too much fun. TOO MUCH FUN! How can you have too much fun? Some people have so much fun playing football that they lose their house and family. These people are amazing footballers and should be congratulated, not punished. They should be allowed to keep playing so that 'clubs' can keep winning.

And winning

And winning….

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